Collecting Retro Games – How To Get Started

(Last Updated On: December 4, 2023)

You won’t be shocked to hear that I love playing and collecting retro games. This hobby is one of the main reasons I started this website. Getting started though can sometimes seem a little daunting especially with retro game prices rising and so many systems to potentially collect for.

With that in mind I thought I would share some of my advice from years of collecting retro games to help you get started.

More About Collecting Retro Games

Before we dive into my guide on collecting retro games you might also enjoy the following posts.

12 Retro Game Collecting Tips to Help You Get Started

Below you will find my tips for when you start collecting retro games. Consider these as they really can help when you get started in the hobby.

1. Start with a Console or Computer That Means A Lot to You.

My first piece of advice would be to focus on a console or computer that really means a lot to you. Something you owned (or still own) that you played a lot that really brings back a lot of great memories and nostalgia to you. 

Something I was guilty of when I started collecting was a scattergun approach when I probably would have benefited from just collecting Sega Mega Drive games that I played and owned back in the day.

2. Write a Short List of Retro Games That Are Also Special to You

Once you have taken my first tip on board this will allow you to make a list of retro games you would really love to own physically.

  • Start by making a small list of the games that mean the most to you.
  • If that list doesn’t get too big then you can add to it.
  • This list will set some clear goals for when you first start collecting retro games.
  • This will ensure you don’t get too overwhelmed or distracted as you start adding games to your new collection.

3. Do Some Research on Prices

Now that you have a list of games you can start doing some research on prices.Below is how I would go about that.

  • Start with eBay sold prices. Ebay is still the most used resource for retro game pricing. The trick is to look at sold prices as well as current buy it now prices and auctions too.
  • Also check prices on stores that buy, sell and trade retro games such as CEX. 
  • Prices can go up and down so do keep an eye on them.
  • You can also look at local reseller prices on Facebook Marketplace.
  • This will help you get a feel for the current market prices and what you should be paying for games.

4. Set Yourself a Budget

Now set yourself a budget. This can be important as the excitement of starting this new hobby can sometimes allow you to get carried away. I know, I did it. I got carried away very early into my retro game collecting and it was something that I had get under control. Wives, husbands and partners will notice all the packages arriving each day and that can cause an argument!

By setting yourself a sensible budget (possibly a monthly budget) you won’t go overspending on retro games. This will also help you to focus on what you really want to pick up.

Why are Retro Games so Expensive??

5. Widen Your Knowledge Through YouTube, Podcasts and Blogs

Learning more about the retro game collecting hobby will widen your knowledge both for collecting games and learning about the games you’re playing too.

There are a lot of fantastic retro gaming YouTube channels to watch, podcast to listen to and blogs (like mine) to read. There are also some great magazines out there to read too.

You will be surprised what you can learn by indulging in some good quality content.

6. Make Friends, Family and Work Colleagues Aware

Don’t keep your new hobby to yourself, make sure you make everyone aware of it. Friends, family members and even work colleagues might have old games gathering dust in an attic at home.

They also might be aware of some shops to visit you haven’t heard of or some other different ideas on finding games that you haven’t considered. You never know you might get lucky and they might give you some games or consoles.

7. Use Social Media to Be Part of the Community and Follow Sellers

A big part of many hobbies is being part of a community. This can especially be the case with social media when it comes to collecting retro games. There are some wonderful communities, groups and pages on various social media platforms run by fellow retro game collectors.

By following fellow collectors on social media you can make new friends and start to create a network of contacts to aid your collecting. You can also follow sellers to see what’s available on the market and perhaps find a new contact to buy retro games from.

8. Create Saved Searches on eBay and Facebook Marketplace

Following on from making your games list that I mentioned earlier. Make sure you create some saved searches on apps like eBay and Facebook Marketplace. This will enable you to see games as they become available. This is especially useful when games become available at a good price.

9. Look For Conventions and Video Game Markets to Visit

Conventions and video game markets are great places to find the retro games you are looking to collect. The great thing about these types of events is that as you are dealing directly with the traders you can often bundle games together to get a discounted price overall.

It is also worth looking for any independent video game stores close to you that sell retro games. You can also usually find in these locations that bundle deals are available too if you ask.

10. Don’t Be Afraid to Haggle

Never be afraid to ask for a deal, the best price or a bundle deal. The worst thing that can happen is that the seller says no (which they have every right to do). If you don’t ask then you don’t get and this is especially the case with saving some money when buying video games.

In fact, here’s a great tip: If you ask for a price on a game, or for a discount at a car boot sale or flea market and you’re not too happy with the seller’s offer, then don’t say a word. Although this can feel like an awkward silence more often than not it will force the seller to say something and possibly offer you a better price.

11. Watch My Video Playlist on Retro Game Collecting Tips

A few years ago now I created a playlist of retro game collecting tips on my YouTube channel. Take a look at the videos as they are still useful for anyone new to retro game collecting.

You can watch my playlist here.

12. Enjoy Playing Your Video Games

Finally make time to enjoy and play your retro video games. Making time to play games can be just as important as having a strategy for collecting them. The whole reason for starting the hobby was to enjoy the video games you played many years ago. Make sure you do that too.

Is Retro Game Collecting Worth It?

Don’t Forget – Retro Game Collecting Should Be Fun

Finally remember the hobby should be fun. Collecting and finding retro games can be as much fun as playing them. The thrill can be in the hunt so make sure you have as much fun collecting games as you do playing them. Happy retro game collecting!

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